03 January 2007

Bowl games are better

Everyone is telling me I should want a playoff in college football. But I don't want a playoff. And I think playoff would make things worse, not better.

For all the people claiming that the Boise State-Oklahoma game is reason to have a playoff, I call bullshit.

No one was saying Boise State was one of the top eight teams in the country before Monday, and Boise State certainly didn't ru rampant in those stupid ESPN and SI playoff polls, either (and no one is seriously arguing for a 16 team bracket).

And with a playoff, even if Boise State beat Ohio State in a national championship game, no one is going to imagine that over the course of an entire year, Boise State is overall an obviously better team than Ohio State, subjectively or objectively.

And it turns out, I'm not the only one: Bill Plaschke, "Playoff system really isn't needed after all", and Chuck Klosterman, "No college football playoff, please


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